6 Ways To Check Your Credit Score For Free in 2023
Ever noticed how many people don't know what their credit score is?
Anytime someone tells us they aren't are aware of their credit we are completely dumbfounded.
Your credit score is the most important aspect of your financial life.
This number follows you everywhere you go, and it plays a vital role in every major financial situation you may encounter in your life.
Your ability to get a loan, insurance or even a potential job is dependent on your credit score.
When you are oblivious to your financial past, you put yourself in a compromising position.
Payday loan lenders look quite closely at your credit score before issuing loans, even though some of them may skip credit check.
Therefore, it is extremely important that you understand your personal credit reports, as well as your credit scores.
Do you know YOUR credit score (CS)? If not, don't sweat it. We are about to show you 6 ways to check your credit score for FREE!
What You Will Need to Follow this Tutorial:
- internet access
- laptop / computer / tablet / mobile phone
- your personal info
- (optional) credit or debit card
Let's get started:
0. WalletHub (2023 update)
WalletHub recently became the first and only website to offer free credit scores and full credit reports that are updated on a daily basis. Their users have free and unlimited access to their credit scores and full credit reports from Transunion, credit improvement tips, and 24/7 credit monitoring. The credit scores are VantageScore 3.0, and there's an app for both iOS and Android.

Accessing FICO, the Isaac Corporation, is one of the most common ways to look at your CS.
Since they were first introduced, FICO Scores have become the global standard for determining credit risk in various industries. 90% of the largest financial institutions in the United States utilize FICO Scores when making consumer credit decisions.
Because many lenders and loan establishments use FICO, they are considered the gold standard of credit scores.
If you do not already have a FICO account, be prepared to get one.
Keep in mind, FICO is not free, but because they offer a 10-day free trial and are considered the gold standard of credit scores, I decided to include them on this list.
2. Access Your Credit Report

For those individuals who are less concerned with their actual credit score and more worried about the content of their report, you can request a full copy.
As of now, AnnualCreditReport is the best place to request your credit report for free.
After you signup and confirm your identity, you will have access to your full report.
Even if your standing is good, it never hurts to look at your full credit report.
You never know what lingering issues you may stumble across.
3. Credit Karma
Credit Karma is completely free and does not require a credit card. After you sign up and answer a few questions, you will have access to your CS instantly.
Credit Karma also offers an in-depth look in how credit bureaus reach your CS. They will include important considerations, such as your credit utilization and age of accounts.
Keep in mind; Credit Karma does not offer you access to your FICO CS. Instead, they give their members access to the VantageScore 3.0.
The VantageScore 3.0 is based on data from the Equifax and the TransUnion.
Nonetheless, Credit Karma gives its members an excellent understanding of their credit standing for FREE!
4. Your Credit Card

Many credit card companies offer a free FICO score on their monthly reports.
This is one of easiest ways to access it. If you are not already signed up for a credit card that offers this benefit, such as the Discover It card, simply sign up for one.
As another benefit, many credit card issuers also offer important data that may be affecting your overall CS. Credit cards such as the Capital One Venture card send email updates on any activity that may have affected you.
Nonetheless, getting your CS through your credit card company is by far the simplest way to see it.
5. Ally Bank
To help auto customers better understand their financial options, Ally Bank has begun offering their customers free access to their FICO score.
If you are looking to take out a car loan, we highly recommend you consider Ally Bank’s rates. They offer a plethora of financial tools, as well as a free look at your FICO score.
6. Credit Reporting Agencies
Although this method is not completely free, it can be done for a small fee.
As of now, Experian is the only credit agency that offers access to your FICO score. You can sign up for a 7-day trial for only $1. This is an excellent option for those who just need a quick peak without spending a lot of money.
Equifax and TransUnion also offer access to CS for a small fee. However, their scores are based on their own scoring models.
Nonetheless, credit reporting agencies offer a cheap alternative when it comes to viewing your credit score, as well as other financial tools.
Final Words

We hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.
Everyone should be aware of their credit score. When it comes to life’s major financial decisions, having a good one is essential.
If you are not already aware of your current score, anyone of the methods we mentioned can help you out quite a bit.
Once you are aware of your financial standing, you will be on your way to living a financially successful life!